
Monday, 15 July 2013

How to improve decoration of a wall?

In a house, the decoration of each wall must be thought according to the part. The matter, texture, the color are very important because the wall can absorb or return the light…

For the deco of a wall, there are several solutions: in particular painting and paper paint mural, but also the mural skirting or stickers. 

We will explore all these solutions of deco mural. Paper paints mural is a simple solution. There exists a very large variety of wallpaper, which allows all imaginations deco.

According to the quality of the wallpaper, the cost varies enormously. The installation requires a clean wall in lower part to get a result of good quality. If the wall is not quite smooth that will be seen under the wallpaper and the effect will be very average.

Painting is a good means of making a success of its mural decoration. 2 types of painting: with water or oil-based painting. There exist also several completions: painting enamels brilliant or flat. 

The advantage of painting is that it is possible to carry out any color to adapt the deco of your wall to the other decorative pieces.

The mural skirting are a wall lining out of wooden. One can paint the skirting of any color and thus bring a personal touch to his deco mural. The mural skirting is not difficult to pose but can take time.

Once the base of decoration of your walls realized (painting, paper paints or skirting) you can pass to the customization. There exist various solutions like making a stencil key set, to hang a table home deco or a drawing makes house… 

Lastly, the mural sticker develops currently. It is a simple solution, rapid and economic to carry out a personalized mural decoration. 

Moreover, one can easily make evolve a decoration containing sticker. There exist also stickers mirror, as for example our Pure partner Deco proposes some.


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