We are going to examine some of the do's and don'ts of modern interior design. Many people want to create a contemporary interior in their living space. However, there is a misconception that this means having a look of black furniture and furnishings. This is not actually the case. In fact, the opposite could be said to be true. Contemporary interior design is actually about creating a lightness and feeling os pace within our home.
First of all, let's talk about flooring. Wooden flooring and exposed floorboards can work very well in creating a modern interior design. This also works well in creating a spacious feeling through the clean likes it offers. So it's worth taking up your carpets if you can. You can always sand and varnish your floorboards to create different effects. And adding some tastefully modern rugs will help to introduce colour to your room.
So we have established that wood is a useful material to use in flooring. But stainless steel is another useful material to use. It is ideal for things like lighting and fixtures and fittings. When you consider lighting your space, we highly recommend the use of overhead lights. These can be used to create effect in creating a feeling of space. Less common, but equally effective, are the use of low lights.
So now that we've got flooring covered, what about the furniture? Once again, it's important to stress that you don't have to go the dark and boring option. Contemporary interiors often incorporate neutral tones with an accent of colour. This means you can opt for a cream suite and then add some funky cushions to bring in interest. Another option is to introduce vintage pieces of furniture. Popular styles of chair include the ball chair, as designed by Eero Aarnio in 1963. There's also the egg chair as designed by Arne Jacobsen. While original examples of these designs are very costly, it is possible to find replicas that are much more affordable. But these distinctive designs really serve to make an impression when put into the context of a contemporary minimalist interior.
If your room needs a table there are many available made from glass and stainless steel that will help maintain a contemporary feel. However, if you have children you will find that these tables will quickly get covered in sticky fingerprints. This means that you will most likely spend the majority of your time polishing it. There are a number of alternative types of table worth trying. If you want to continue along the retro theme then why not try a table made from Formica or finished with vinyl?
Finally, we should address how the walls of your room should be decorated. Singular colours and neutral tones are best. You can bring in colour by hanging contemporary art on the walls. This doesn't have to be expensive as there are many posters and affordable prints out there of famous works by the likes of Andy Warhol, David Hockney and Roy Lichtenstein. Make sure that you hang your art on a wall that is big enough to draw attention to it. The wall should have a good source of natural light near it so that people will be able to see the art clearly. But avoid hanging art in direct sunlight.
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